The Oliver in Orting | Emi’s 12th Birthday
Just over twelve years ago, I was faced with a challenge. You may remember I was laid off at 28 weeks pregnant with Emi. That was the time I decided to really make a run at starting my own business. As you can see, we’re still running it and celebrated Emi’s 12th birthday with a party at The Oliver in Orting.
The Oliver, a micro venue in Orting, Washington
Every year I ask Emi what she wants to do for her birthday. Last year, we did a DIY Harry Potter theme in our home while I was 37 weeks pregnant. I hate to admit this, but we still have “Hogwarts letters” hanging from my dining room ceiling. (I spent the whole party hanging in my bedroom while the kids binge watched Harry Potter and ate way more candy than I thought I purchased).

This year she said she just wanted to eat ice cream with her friends. After a few minutes of trying to figure out how to make this as little work as possible for me, I remembered the Ice Cream Social Picnic being offered at The Oliver. I quickly sent a message to Scoop There It Is and The Oliver about booking Emi’s birthday party there.
I heard back from the ladies and we got Emi’s party booked. The best part? The ladies handled the rest! Ashlie asked Emi her favorite colors and put together a perfect setup, while Scoop There It Is sent over a menu so we could make our order! Easy peasy!

Here’s to 12
When I started this motherhood journey, my dreams were much different. I’d settled on two kids, figured I’d live in a different state, and we’d probably live near a big city. The last twelve years have been quite the journey.

Watching Emi grow up has been a huge blessing and I’m constantly amazed at what a wonderful human being she’s becoming. She sincerely cares for other people, looks out for the “underdog” and embraces life with gusto. She’s a huge help with her siblings and I couldn’t have done these last two years without her.
The best part? She loves her friends, almost as much as she loves her mama. I don’t know what I did to deserve this kid, but I’m sure glad she’s mine.