Social Distancing Wedding Ideas
I feel like the constant state of everything right now is a giant: What. The. F%&$?! I’m sure you’re feeling it too, and trying to plan your wedding while the information changes daily is a major headache! So what’s a couple to do when eloping isn’t their favorite idea and yet they still have to find a way to host a social distancing wedding for all their friends and family? As a photographer we typically try to make your ceremony look like there are a ton of people and ask everyone to squish together. With social distancing, we can’t do that! So how do we still make it look like you had guests while keeping things “pretty”? Below are some of my favorite ideas I’ve seen come up in the wedding groups (Plus a few of my own!).

The Picnic Social Distancing Wedding
This is a personal favorite from the Seattle Wedding Network group on Facebook. One couple has chosen to do a picnic wedding! Hosting a picnic style wedding doesn’t need to be overly complicated either. If you’re having a smaller shindig (or have a larger budget) consider buying each family a personalised picnic blanket with their last name on the handle and a thank you note from the two of you! For those who’re a little more chic, scour your local thrift shops and vintage stores for mis-matched blankets and picnic baskets! Each family or couple will love the ability to spread out on the grass, and the picnic style will look much more stylish than groups of chairs.
The Drive In Social Distancing Wedding
This idea might be a bit harder to accomplish logistically, but consider using a large parking lot or even a drive in theater! For something like this, you may want to include a spot on your RSVP card for guests to list what size vehicle they drive (SUV, Truck, or Sedan) so you can make arrangements in advance for where everyone should park. Be sure to ask your photographer if there’s any chance you can get a drone shot, or have someone bring a big ladder for a huge group shot, cause this is going to be awesome.
The Rustic/Bohemian Social Distancing Wedding
Similar to the picnic style wedding, you may want to stick with a more rustic theme. Consider ditching the chairs for bales of straw (make sure it’s straw, cause hay is much more expensive and not what most people think hay is), or wooden benches of various sizes. This would allow you to set the benches or bales apart, keeping distance between families, while making it look purposeful. For more of a boho flair, consider snagging a bunch of mismatched dining chairs (or even ask guests to bring them, if you know people with really cool dining chairs) and adding those in the mix. You can do a set of 2-4 chairs for one family, a six foot gap and then a hay bale or two for the next family. Alternate between chairs, benches and bales even if you’d like! The best places to find bales round here are the country roads between Enumclaw and Auburn.

Solving the snack problem
This might be my favorite part of this blog post and I’m sure it’s going to be your favorite too. Everybody and their brother LOVES snacks. So how do you keep your distance, AND manage to keep Uncle John from being hangry? Enter the snack boxes. If you’re forgoing formal catering, consider Grate Table’s craft boxes or disposable palm leaves. Either would be a great way to serve individual families without a bunch of work on your end.
I know you’re going to want to be able to add your own little flair, so consider small baskets to go along with your Grate Board Boxes, filled with your favorite drinks, local snacky snacks and maybe even a special dessert for each group. Consider the weather and include plenty of water! Sitting in the sun this summer will get hot.
No matter what you choose, know your vendors are here to help! If you’re needing planning advice or just an ear to bounce ideas off of, contact me for a free 30 minute consultation!