Red Barn Engagement | Sonja & Scott
It’s been amazing to be back behind the camera and I was super excited to meet Sonja & Scott! It always makes me feel so good knowing that my clients are watching my social media accounts. When Sonja posted on a photo from Kim and Eric’s Red Barn Engagement that she and Scott had chosen that location, I was giddy with excitement. You may think that photographers feel burned out from shooting the same location over and over, and you’d be correct. However this exclusive location is pretty amazing and they’ve put in some awesome new features since I started shooting there.

Red Barn Engagement Session
When Sonja and Scott arrived, we started chatting and wandered our way through the blueberries stopping for a few photos while they warmed up to me. {Side Note: This is one of my favorite moments because it truly makes or breaks a client-photographer relationship! Let’s be realistic, aside from your future spouse, you’ll spend the most time with ME on your wedding day!} Sonja told me about Scott proposing, on the day of their baby shower! It was so sweet!
The new community farm
One of my favorite things about the Red Barn Engagement location is the new community farm. Community members have come together to plant the gardens. The horses belong to another community member, and they come running when my Honda pulls up. All of this makes good conversation starters and brings out things couples usually wouldn’t think to mention.
As we walked over to say hi to the horses, Sonja told me that Scott was raised around them. Of course, like many animals, I’m pretty sure the horses knew this because they came right up to the fence and posed for us. I’m not sure of the horses’ names, one wanted to get in on the kissing. It gave us some good laughs before we headed back to our cars where Sonja’s maid of honor and their baby were waiting for us (with the air conditioning on of course!).
Before we know it, Sonja and Scott’s Brookstom Creek wedding will be here and we’ll all get to celebrate together. These two lovebirds are so sweet and going to be such a joy to work with on their wedding day. I’m looking forward to it!