Perfect Tacoma Engagement Planning Tips

You’ve found the perfect partner and accepted that perfect bling with a resounding “YES!!!!” and now it’s time to get started with all that Tacoma engagement planning. We’re not just talking about your engagement session; Rather, every minute in between from “yes” to “I do” can be an incredible adventure! While every detail may be spinning through your mind right now, it’s o.k. to let a lot of things slide a little bit. You don’t need to pick everything out right away, but you do need to determine your Tacoma engagement style!
Start with the basics
The basics are really simple: How long will you be engaged and how much of a big deal do you want to make about it? Other than that, you really have no big decisions to make. Easy peasy right?
Length of your Tacoma engagement
There are a few factors that may determine the length of your Tacoma engagement: your wedding budget, your venue popularity and if you’re looking for a specific date, like your great grandmother’s wedding anniversary. Depending on these factors, your engagement may be longer or shorter than you’d ideally want, but sometimes this can play into your advantage. If you’re detail oriented, having a longer engagement will allow you more time to get all those items checked off your list. If you’re terrible at making decisions (like myself) you may find the longer engagement to be ridiculously annoying and the stress may cause you to put things off.
How big of a deal is your Tacoma engagement?
The next item to check off your list is how big of a deal you want to make your Tacoma engagement. For some people, this is a huge deal, and they want all the parties and “milestones”: The Engagement Party, The Bridal Shower, The Bachelorette Party, and sometimes two or three parties in between. Then there’s the “Proposal Session” (usually arranged by your partner prior to popping the question), “Save the Date” Session, “Engagement Session”, “Bridal Session”, “Bridal Boudoir Session, and FINALLY you’ll get to the wedding. Whew. That’s a lot of things to check off a list. But if you’re more laid back, you might choose to forgo one or two or six of these items.
Events Recommendation: The Big Three
No matter what you choose to do for your Tacoma engagement, or how long you choose to be engaged, I highly suggest you consider sticking to the big three for events: The Engagement Session, The Bridal Shower or Bachelorette Party and either a Bridal Session or Bridal Boudoir Session. Your engagement session can serve for your save the date cards, as well as reconnect with your partner in the middle of a hectic planning frenzy. Each of the other options gives you chance to take some “me time” whether it’s with your girlfriends or without! Even our bridal boudoir sessions can be rolled into a boudoir party package, giving you and your girlfriends an ego boost before everyone slides into those bridesmaid dresses and wedding gown.
Need more assistance while planning your Tacoma engagement? Check out our Recommended Vendors page for coordinators who can guide you from “yes” to “I do”.