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Our Sibling Session | Sumner Family Photographer

When I started focusing on weddings in 2016, I wasn’t sure there was room in my life to continue as a Sumner family photographer. Now it seems really silly since I still photograph a dozen or so families a year, and my own kids on many occasions. However, this brings me to a funny story about my own kids.

I know you’ve seen all those comparison posts on Facebook: the ones that show the first day of school and the last day. I used to be that mom, but with the curveballs 2019 has decided to toss my way, I COMPLETELY FORGOT the last day of school photos. It wasn’t until about a week later when Emi (my nine year old) mentioned it while looking over my shoulder at my Facebook feed. “Mom, we didn’t do the last day of school photos.” Well crap; she’s old enough to catch on now, and Gracie (my five year old) was right there behind her agreeing, “Yeah mom! We didn’t do them!” So I decided to take a day just for my kiddos and head to my studio in Sumner. The girls had a blast picking out their dresses for this session, and it gave us a chance to play as a team. I swear time just flies by with these two keeping me on my toes.

It seems like yesterday I was in that California hospital welcoming Emi, and it surprises me when I realize what a beautiful kid she’s becoming. Her kind heart is always being complimented by parents and teachers alike. Buying gifts has gotten challenging because she’s not super into toys, but she’s also not really into adult things either. It’s a confusing time in our house.

In the same instance, it feels like Gracie just joined our family too. She’s become a spunky little almost five year old, with a style all her own. I constantly feel like I’m repeating: “Please put shorts on”, “You can’t wear that outside, you need a shirt” or “but you wore that dress yesterday and it’s got chocolate ice cream on it”. She’s a tomboy with a princess side; boy does she like to get dirty.

These girls are both the best of friends and the worst of enemies. It’s going to be wild when we add their little brother to the mix.

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