Orting Adventure Engagement | Kinsey + Mike
We live by the phrase “Everyday is an adventure” around here and try to really embrace it. My kids love to go on treasure hunts (if you haven’t heard of Capt. Pepperjack, you must check him out!) and we spend a lot of time adventuring in our own backyard. When Kinsey + Mike needed a last minute session before their big move, I knew the perfect spot for their Orting Adventure Engagement.

Kinsey + Mike stopped by our booth at the Seattle Wedding Show, when they were there checking out vendors and helping 3 Bakers Dozen catering. Raquel (Mike’s mom) is the head of 3 Bakers Dozen, and her husband Todd saved my rear in 2020 when a quick adventure session turned into a 9 mile snow hike (with six month old Evan in tow!). We (Markie + Jake) are extremely honored to meet them and are still excited they chose us to photograph their wedding.
Orting Adventure Engagement Session
It’s unusual to have an adventure engagement so close to home, but on an outing with my kids, we found this amazing little spot. You have to walk through the river to get to it; there’s really no way to do that without getting wet. The best part is, it’s pretty quiet even on super hot weekends. When Kinsey + Mike mentioned they were moving, I hopped on to squeeze them in for their engagement session and recommended this spot.
We started out in an area I’d shot before, which usually has a great view of Rainier. But the field is overgrown and the elk haven’t knocked down paths lately so I found it less than impressive. We gave it a shot though, in case we didn’t find another gorgeous view of the mountain. We knocked out a few classic portraits and then headed to the river.

Adventure Warning: You’re likely to get wet
Thankfully it was a hot day, because I forgot to warn Kinsey + Mike we’d be getting wet at their Orting Adventure Engagement session. They were great sports though, and Mike even offered to help me across the river. So sweet!
Once across the river, we trekked across sand dunes and found the most amazing spots. The sun started to sink in all the right places and brought all the dreamy engagement vibes with it. We added a flowy skirt about halfway through and it made my heart flutter.
Kinsey + Mike will be headed across the country soon for an amazing opportunity. I’m excited for the opportunity to see them adventure since they’ll be smack in the middle of the country. They’re going to have so much fun! We’ll see them back here next July for their incredible wedding day. It feels like a world away, but it’ll go so fast! Safe travels friends!
For more adventure goodenss, check out this Gold Creek Pond adventure session.