Happy Birthday | Evan turns 3
It’s hard not to end up overshadowed when you and your sister share a birthday weekend. But joint birthdays are now a common thing in our house with all four kids being born on the same two holiday weekends. Its one of the big reasons you’ll rarely see me scheduling weddings on Memorial Day and Labor Day weekend!

All of the sudden, the little boy was three!
I bet you’re just as shocked as I am that Evan James is THREE now. It seems like only yesterday I was photographing weddings with the little guy in tow… and now he’s a big brother, daredevil and a little energizer bunny. Evan is the little boy I didn’t know I needed. He loves with the biggest heart but definitely keeps us on our toes with his mischievous personality.
He’s had that personality trait from the get go. It took 3 different ultrasounds to confirm he was actually a boy… and (in my limited experience) it’s rare for an ultrasound tech to say “I don’t know for sure”. This year he’s really given us a run for our money though.

He climbs on everything and his curiosity sometimes gets the best of him. Like Emi’s favorite story about the time when I had a chiropractor appointment and left the kids for a few minutes. Emi and Gracie both turned their backs on him, and I got a call from my mom (who lives next door) that she was headed to my house.
Turns out, he figured out he was tall enough to reach the dining room pendant light if he stood on the table. And it was just sturdy enough for him to swing back and forth…. Once or twice. After that it popped out of the ceiling (it was thankfully a can light with an pendant adapter so it pops in and out easily). Jake got to raise them that night.

Evan, we’re having a blast being your parents and I cannot wait to see where you end up in life. You keep everyone smiling and laughing, even in the most inappropriate of moments. We sure love you. Happy Birthday Boo-Boo.