Engagement Session Planning

Let’s do this!

I’m so excited to be working with you on your engagement session! Even if you’re just popping in for the good info in this guide, I hope you’ll find everything you need!

I’m a big fan of the engagement session because it gives us plenty of time to get to know each other! You have the opportunity to get comfortable in front of the camera, and
see first hand how I work. I promise you every couple tells me they’re nervous before their session; but by the end, they’re having a blast and can’t wait for their wedding day!

This guide will give you plenty of info to consider, from the season you’ll want your session in to the outfits you’ll want to wear. I cover everything so you don’t have to worry about a single detail!

For the guys

Hey Guys… This note is for you

I get it. You probably don’t have “stand in front of a camera for 1-2 hours and smile” at the top of your to do list. I’ll be honest, I don’t either. It feels awkward and forced, am I right?

But that’s exactly why you should do it.

By the time your session is finished, you’ll realize it was a lot easier than you thought, and I’m willing to bet you’re a natural model. Men just have this way of doing nothing that makes them look good (I mean for real, your partner said yes right? Obviously, you’re not ugly.)

Engagements are fun with a capital F.

This is your opportunity to show off your mad skills and toss your partner over your shoulder when I ask you to pick her up. We all love a little caveman style. 😉 Or better yet, pull some strings and let’s make part of the engagement center around your favorite activity… especially if it’s air-hockey.

Frequently asked Questions

My favorite thing about engagement sessions is they can take place anytime after you’re engaged! I typically book engagement sessions no less than 6 weeks in advance so we have plenty of time to work out the details. But that doesn’t mean you have to do them right away either. I highly recommend doing the session no less than 4 months prior to your wedding date. This allows ample time to get prints done for displaying at your wedding, updating your wedding website before your invites go out, etc.

(Note 1: There are some special cases where engagements are super short. If this is you, I am more than willing to work with you to get your engagement session done prior to your wedding day! After all, my first engagement was 12 weeks long, and my second technically only 6 weeks. I totally understand!)

That said, you can plan your engagement session for whenever you’d like! If you have a specific look in mind (for example: spring flowers or winter snow), you can plan your session around the season to achieve the look you’re dreaming of! Most sessions are about 45-90 minutes long, but can range from 20 minutes for mini engagements to over 3 hours for adventure engagements. I love to begin sessions about an hour or two before sunset depending on the location. Sometimes, in the PNW tree filled sessions will need to start much earlier, but once you’ve chosen your location, I can help you plan the timeline for your engagement!

(Note 2: If you’re a “get it done” type personality, you CAN schedule to have your engagement session start with a surprise proposal or opt to have a surprise proposal at the end of your “couple’s session”.)

It’s not uncommon for rain in the PNW, even in the middle of summer! Because time is valuable on all ends, I don’t like to spend a lot of time rescheduling sessions. It doesn’t benefit you to have to make last minute schedule changes! Instead let’s embrace everything the PNW has to offer, including the storms!

+ Bring a clear umbrella (I have two!) and your favorite hunter boots.

+ Find an alternate indoor location that means a lot to you. This can be your home, or your favorite coffee shop where you day date. I also have a short list of venues that allow us to use them on an as needed basis during the wet seasons.

+ Almost every location (urban or rural) has some sort of coverage available. We’ll find it and make use of it!

But if the aliens take over, I’m pretty sure we’re going to have to reschedule indefinitely. So let’s keep our fingers crossed it doesn’t come to that.

Even if you’re not a model, posing doesn’t have to be scary! I’ve spent a lot of time learning to help guide you through poses and to make things easy, you’ll only have to learn a total of FOUR poses! How awesome is that?

This doesn’t mean your images will lack variety. I have a ton of tricks up my sleeves that will allow me to make the most of our time together using the four poses as a start point. I’ll guide you through all the little details.

Be sure to bring your favorite inside jokes, and your “sexy” voice… you’re going to need both during your engagement session. It’ll be fun, I promise!

While it’s not necessary to spring for a professional HMUA, sometimes it can be worthwhile to feel your best! If you have a professional do your hair and makeup, that’s one less thing for you to worry about.

In the past I’ve recommended scheduling your hair and makeup trial for your engagement session date, but I no longer do that for two reasons: 1) you want your engagement look to be more like what your everyday vibe is, and 2) you don’t want to give anything away before your wedding! Sure, you’re fiancé will find you beautiful either way, but it’s fun to keep that element of surprise! Instead, if you choose to hire an HMUA, make sure they know not to use your “wedding look” for your engagement session appointment.

It’s always a little intimidating to have your picture taken …. even if it’s just an iphone photo taken by a friend. We still want to look nice, make sure nothing is in our teeth and that our hair is behaving! I realize preparing for your engagement session can be a little overwhelming. In this guide, I’ll be providing tips for outfits, handling nerves and recommendations that will make your shoot the best it can possibly be!


Check your pockets

Empty your pockets! Literally. You don’t want to have key chains or phones showing through your pockets. (This is for the guys especially!)

Deception Pass Adventure Engagement

Timing is essential

The sun sets quickly especially if your engagement session takes place in the cooler months. The later you arrive, the less time we have to shoot! Once the sun is set, the shoot will be over.


Clean your ring

Clean the ring! While the majority of the focus won’t be on your rings, be sure to clean them thoroughly so they sparkle and shine in the sunlight. We will likely do a few ring shots while you’re changing outfits.


Changing Clothing

As much as I would like to say that we always have restrooms for outfit changes, more often than not, our clients do quick outfit changes in their car if there are no other options!


Deep Breaths

I’m going to help you along the way and it’s going to be a blast! Enjoy this time together, and make a date out of it! Plan a date night afterwards and celebrate.

PNW Engagement

Parking Fees

Depending on the location we choose, you’ll want to prepare to have cash on hand or your discover/parks pass for parking. The last thing we want is stress over where to park on the day of your engagement session!


Lip Color + Hairspray

You may need to apply more lip color after one outfit change and a few kisses. (If you have a bold lip color, try to have a matte finish so it won’t transfer to your groom as intensely!). Hairspray and a brush will be helpful if your hair struggles in the humidity!

PNW Engagement

Comfy Shoes

If you’re wearing shoes that are difficult to walk in but look awesome, bring some comfy shoes to change into while we walk to each shooting location!

time to bust some outfit myths


Believe it or not, you have so much control over the outcome of your shoot and what it looks and feels like! What you choose to wear is a big decision that often causes some stress for the bride beforehand. However, my hope is that with a little education, you will be able to determine the style and feel you desire for your shoot which will make your outfit selection so much easier and less complicated! Let’s start by debunking some very common outfit myths that a lot of people believe about what they should wear to their session!

Myth 1: Avoid Neutrals, they wash you out!

Whoever started this myth couldn’t have been further from the truth. There are some colors that don’t work for some people, but for the majority of people, they look amazing in neutrals and those colors shouldn’t be avoided. The truth is, neutrals are the most photogenic color for portraits.

Myth 2: Always wear black or you won’t look thin!

Sure, black is slimming, but it also photographs very heavy in portraits. There is nothing wrong with black, but if you’re only wearing it to look thinner and deep down you’re hoping for light and airy portraits, it may not be the best choice.

Myth 3: You two need to match!

Please don’t try to match your significant other. Instead, try to coordinate! Coordinating is a completely different concept than “matching.” Coordination means you are usually choosing different colors that look good together but are not close to being the same. I have some more tips about this concept in the following pages.

Myth 4: Your location determines your style more than your outfit.

False! Your outfit has way more impact than your location. Your location is just a setting in the background but you two will still be the main focus of the images. If you want light, airy and an overall romantic look to your photos, you will need to wear lighter, more neutral colors in your photos to achieve this look!

Myth 5: You have to buy something new!

False! If you know you look awesome in an outfit that you already have and it fits the style you want for your engagement session, that would be a great choice!

Engagement Style Guides + Inspiration