Coco & Mike | Sumner Coffee House Engagement
I don’t think anyone would be surprised to learn that Jake has a way of charming people. It’s one of those things that comes really naturally to him. He even used this talent to help us score a few photos at my favorite Sumner Coffee House after our wedding in 2018. Of course, this was also one of the big reasons I was able to loosen the reins a bit, and trust him to go to the Tacoma Wedding Expo last fall while I was in the hospital after Evan’s birth.

I remember him telling me about Mike, and how interested he was in my work. Of course, this means when Mike and Coco walked into the Brookstom Creek Open House that October, I was only mildly surprised to hear “Oh hey! You’re here!” from both Jake and Mike. They greeted each other like old friends, because that’s the way my husband rolls.
Turns out, Jake had told Mike and Coco that I would be at the Brookstom Creek open house. They chose to come and check out the venue, even though they wanted a March wedding date. Upon learning they could snag their venue and photographer at the same time, they moved their wedding to September. This year, we’ll be celebrating Evan’s first birthday with breakfast before I head off to celebrate with Coco and Mike!
A Sumner Coffee House Engagement Session
The best part about their engagement session? I’d been dying to photograph a coffee themed engagement. When Coco said she wanted some photos centered around the delicious lifeblood, I suggested heading to Sumner where my two favorite coffee shops are. Upon arrival, Mike mentioned they knew one of the managers at Electric Coffee House. It was as if the stars aligned. We headed to Heritage Park first for some classic outdoor shots, before heading to Electric, the newest Sumner Coffee House.

Another couple of high school sweethearts, Coco met Mike at a tailgate party where I believe she said she was doing face painting. They love the rustic feel at Brookstom Creek Wedding Venue and I’m looking forward to celebrating with them! It’s gonna be a wonderful day!