Wedding Timeline Challenges: Mistakes and Lessons from a 2021 June Real Wedding

Wedding Timeline Challenges: Mistakes and Lessons from a 2021 June Real Wedding

Follow us on social media so you can find us when it’s your turn! Let’s delve into some common wedding timeline mistakes with a real-life example from a wedding that occurred in 2021. Despite being the hottest day of the year, many of the challenges faced during this event could have been avoided with a…

Amber + Cody Engaged!

Amber + Cody Engaged!

This year is all about family for us! We’re thrilled to collaborate with many of our cherished “vendor-family” members. Today, I’m delighted to introduce you to some of our own blood relatives. Cody is Jake’s relative by marriage, and we’re overjoyed to welcome Amber into our extended family! These two love being at home and…

Shaking off the Traditional Timeline for a Stress Free Experience

Shaking off the Traditional Timeline for a Stress Free Experience

Hey there, friends! Let’s chat about the benefit of ditching the traditional timeline for your wedding day, shall we? Now, it’s pretty standard for every wedding photographer to want to help you craft the perfect timeline for your big day. And hey, a well-organized timeline can definitely ease some of the stress. But let’s keep…