Anniversary Session Adventure: Lesley + Nick
I’m pretty sure the only way moms really make friends is either through work or through their kid’s friends. As an entrepreneur, it’s HARD to find good mom friends when most of the people I’m virtually surrounded with don’t have kids (or have older ones). But when my kids were in public school, I was lucky enough to make some AWESOME mom friends. Sure they’re only on Facebook now (Thanks a lot Covid), but Lesley is one of those amazing mom friends! So when Lesley posted in December about her and Nick’s 8 year anniversary, I reached out to her about an anniversary session.

My job is to celebrate love, and it always amazes me when clients trust me to select the details! While things didn’t go exactly as planned with their session (you’ll see why), everything still worked out better than I could have imagined. We made our plans for earlier in February but needed to move them due to my overcautious tendencies. So our new plans panned out over last weekend instead!
We trekked up to Federation Forest outside Greenwater only to run into a few snags when we arrived. For starters, the Interpretive Center Parking lot was closed, along with many of the trails. (I checked and the website didn’t mention those things. I would have made alternate plans if they had!) We ended up pulling into a small side parking area. It was covered with snow, but it was still open.

Snag two came when we got out of the car. Instead of the iphone weather app predicted 47 degrees, we got out of the car to a whopping 30 something degree weather. The wind chill basically went right through everyone’s clothing and within moments I was afraid everyone would be miserable. Lesley and Nick held out though, and it was totally worth it.
Of course, the trail was beautiful with the snow, even though it had warmed up enough to create a small stream down the middle of the path. Although we didn’t trek far into the forest due to the cold, everyone enjoyed the sights. We found elk and “large dog” (probably wolf) prints in the snow, and the kids just loved that they were outside. We snagged our photos as quickly as possible, and headed back to the cars just as two of my kids fell into cold puddles.

Then came the fun part: Getting Nick’s car out of the snow. Some ingenuity and a whole lot of brute strength from Jake, got Lesley and Nick free from the snow and on their way home! My pregnant butt was pretty helpless, so I just stood back and cheered when Jake got them free. With everything that happened, it sure was an adventure and will definitely be one for the memory bank! Happy belated Anniversary to Lesley + Nick!